Implied Consent and Refusing a Blood or Breath Test in Utah

Under Utah’s “implied consent” laws, all drivers lawfully arrested (not just stopped) for a DUI are required to submit to a blood or breath test. When you refuse to submit to the requested test, an officer will then obtain a warrant to receive a court order to draw a blood sample to determine impairment. A refusal will result in the following license suspensions periods:

1st Offense 2nd offense 3rd Offense
License Revocation if you refuse

License Revocation if you submit

18 months

120 days

3 years

2 years

3 years

2 years

For purposes of determining what is a second or third refusal, prior DUI convictions, refusals, and failed BAC test (.05% or greater) within the past ten years are counted.

Know the law.  Know your rights.  Know the right attorney.

Kelly Cardon, Attorney at Law, DUI Specialist

(801) 627-1110 Ogden – (801) 328-1110 Salt Lake City

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